Airwolf is an American television series that was aired from 1984 until 1986. The show was all about the story of the supersonic military helicopter also known as Airwolf, who undertook various missions along with the crew. The series 's protagonist is Stringfellow Hawke played by Jan-Michael Vincent, this guy is a timid type of person, he lives in a cabin in the mountains accompanied by his dog partner Tet. Hawke spend most of his time with his priceless collection of paintings and serenading eagles with equally priceless “Stradivarius” cello. Hawke's only real friend and mentor is the eternally cheerful Dominic Santini played by Ernest Borgnine.
Finding the aircraft named Airwolf, Hawke with Santini hide it in an extinct volcano in Monument Valley. In exchange for the location of Hawke's lost brother, he undercover missions for Uncle Sam. During the Vietnam War Hawke did not appear at this season. The series also stars Jean Bruce Scott played by Caitlin O'Shannessy, who is introduced in the second season, a feisty Texas Highway Patrol helicopter pilot who joins Santini Air, and eventually comes to serve as a backup pilot for Airwolf.
A great action tv series revolved on the character of Airwolf's pilot, Stringfellow Hawk who was blackmailing a secret US agency and agreed to continue flying it as his mission in exchange of agency's help in finding his lost brother in Vietnam.
yeah i still remember the show, the helicopter was cool, and the missions are breath taking...i missed the show..nice post....
I have a trailer for this TV series.
Hi fellows it's very is intresting ,I really enjoyed it but i also enjoy Simpsons episodes i really like the lisa's role.It is a longest running prime time animated TV show.
Thanks for making an Airwolf page! This was one of my favorite shows. I still enjoy watching it on Did you see the teasers in the episode guide?
Too bad there's nothing like it to watch on TV today. Having a hero fly such a super helicopter would be just as exciting, and inspirational, today.
Thanks for the comments.. nope Wolfman, I haven't seen it but can you give me the links to it?
Most people today wanted an incredible face to face fight scenes than with the air machine fight =)
Sure Cryxellis, here are the links:
There's also some great stuff like photos in the project resources section:
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