Friends is an American comedy tv show that was aired from 1994 to 2004. It was created by David Crane and Marta Kauffman and produced by Kevin S. Bright. From the 10 years run, the show had won 6 Emmys, including one for Outstanding Comedy Series. It also received a Golden Globe, 2 SAG Awards, and 56 other various awards with 152 nominations. The story was about the six friends in New York as they navigate their way through life and learn to grow up as they approach the third decade of their life. All, with the help from each other to get them through the obstacles that life naturally has for us.
Main Characters:
Ross Eustace Geller - David Schwimmer
Play the character of Monica's older brother, he was a paleontologist who work at Prehistoric History museum and later became a professor of paleontology at New York University. And also he has a life long crush at Rachel.
Play the character of Monica's older brother, he was a paleontologist who work at Prehistoric History museum and later became a professor of paleontology at New York University. And also he has a life long crush at Rachel.
Chandler Muriel Bing - Matthew Perry
Chandler is Ross' college buddy and the guy who will crack jokes at a moment's notice. He is also an executive in statistical analysis and data reconfiguration for a large multi-national corporation. Then later became a junior copywriter at an advertising agency. He was then married to his long time friend Monica.
Joey Francis Tribbiani - Matt Leblanc
Joey, the friend who has an inverse relationship between his good looks and his intelligence. He dreams of becoming an actor.
Is the lovable eccentric masseuse and musician who could have fit in with Haight Ashbury in the 1960s. Phoebe is quirky and a little air-headed but seems heartless and at times uncaring.
Monica Geller (later Monica G. Bing) - Courteney Cox Arquette
Monica is the excessively neat and organized "older sister" of the group, she was a chef who changes jobs often throughout the show, ending up as head chef at Javu. She was looking for her ideal love, and never thought that it was Chandler after all.
Rachel Karen Green - Jennifer Aniston
Is the pretty, bubbly girl who spent most of her life as a spoiled rich princess. Now she must learn to face the real world. She was a fashion enthusiast who starts working at the cofee shop, but later moves into management at Bloomingdale's and, subsequently, at Ralph Lauren. She is the love interest of Ross.
The last episode was Ross and Phoebe chase Rachel to the airport, but end up at the wrong one. They narrowly make it to the right airport, where Ross declares his love for Rachel, but she gets on the plane anyway. A rejected Ross returns home, where he finds a message on his answering machine, revealing that Rachel got off the plane, just as the real thing shows up behind him. They decide to be together. Meanwhile, Chandler and Monica finish packing for their move to the suburbs, and Joey loses Chick Jr. and Duck Jr. in the football table.
The last episode was Ross and Phoebe chase Rachel to the airport, but end up at the wrong one. They narrowly make it to the right airport, where Ross declares his love for Rachel, but she gets on the plane anyway. A rejected Ross returns home, where he finds a message on his answering machine, revealing that Rachel got off the plane, just as the real thing shows up behind him. They decide to be together. Meanwhile, Chandler and Monica finish packing for their move to the suburbs, and Joey loses Chick Jr. and Duck Jr. in the football table.
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